Rocksett Tickle Toe Jazz (Jazz)
Goldiemay Devon Choice (Gammon)
Golden Tunes Courage (Lars)
Next Chapter of Bridge Four (Lance)
Arrowsflight Never Say Never (Never)
Arrowsflight Qualifield Queen (Queen)
Arrowsflight Promise (Paige)
Joy and Devotion's Highlife (Lilly)
Golden Focus Hermione Granger (Luz)
Arrowsflight Whispering Willow (Whisper)
Arrowsflight Zinfandel Delight (Ziggy)
Arrowsflight Catch My Eye (Liz)
Rocksett Tickle Toe Jazz (Jazz)
Arrowsflight Christmas Eve (Maggie)
In Memoriam
Sabel Crown of the Hellacious Acres (Joris)
Moondust Amazing Kate (Kate)
Arrowsflight Bubbleloosa (Bubbles)
Arrowsflight Cathrina (Cathy)
Arrowsflight Dazzling Daydream (Dazzle)
Arrowsflight Kate
Int SH CH Edition of Bridge Four (Banor)
Belg J CH Lancelot of Bridge Four (Lewie)
Inaca van de Ossekoele (Kaatje)
Arrowsflight Flying Flower (Fleur)
© 2017 - 2024 René Hameleers
Golden Retrievers
Multi Kamp DutchTab
van de Beerse Hoeve
Rocksett Sunny
Hypnotiq Breeze
Geboren op 15-09-2019
HD:A ED: 0-0 DNA: ter beoordeling